10 Insane Flashpoint Moments We Need To See In The Flash

5. Bubble Boy Superman

The Flash Martha Wayne Joker
DC Comics

When Barry radically altered the DC timeline, Superman got the shortest end of the stick. Through much of the comic event, Superman's existence is a secret to the world at large with Barry wondering why the Man of Steel chose to not to intervene in the Amazonian/Atlantean war.

Ultimately, Barry and Thomas Wayne break into a government facility housing the Last Son of Krypton, only to find Supes a pale shadow of his former self. Since he was hidden in a glass cage from the sun for most of his life, Superman grew to be an emaciated, pallid wreck. Superman even flees in terror when confronted by his prison guards.

Emulating this plot turn would be a risky gambit for DC. Some fans have already taken issue with Henry Cavill's characterization of the hero, especially his readiness to kill in battle. However, if played right, Super the bubble boy could wind up being a glorious subversion of expectations.

Later in the comic, Superman does show up on the battlefield to try to stop the Atlantean/Amazonian war despite previously running from danger. This could be a chance for DC to deliver a glorious arc for Superman as the cowardly shut-in finally decides to live up to his potential and fight for the ultimate good of the world.


I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.