10 Insane Flashpoint Moments We Need To See In The Flash

4. Batman Kills Reverse Flash

The Flash Martha Wayne Joker
DC Comics

When the DCEU properly kicked off with BvS, many fans and critics took issue with Zack Snyder's much darker interpretation of the Dark Knight.

While naysayers initially dismissed Snyder's take as an entirely wrongheaded way to depict the Caped Crusader, many, many fans loved Ben Affleck's Batman, which was highly-evident when the #RestoretheSnyderCut movement took off.

Thomas Wayne's Batman is entirely different than Bruce's with a much more casual attitude toward killing, which would align with Snyder's interpretation. In Flashpoint, after being slapped around by the Reverse Flash, Batman gets the drop on his foe and brutally stabs him through the chest with an Amazon sword.

Having Thomas Wayne be the one to end the Reverse Flash could thread the line for the fans that like Bats to be edgier and for the fans that find it unimaginable that Batman would willing take a life. Since it would be Thomas and not Bruce, a larger portion of the audience might find Batman's readiness to kill more understandable.


I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.