10 Insane Movie Facts Nobody Believes

6. Arnold Schwarzenegger Made More Money From Twins Than Any Other Movie

Peter Dinklage Warwick Davis
Universal Pictures

It's no secret that Arnold Schwarzenegger has commanded some seriously hefty paydays for the biggest roles of his career, and if you assumed the eye-watering $30 million he received for Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines was the peak, you're actually wrong.

Believe it or not, Arnie's biggest financial haul wasn't for one of his action flicks but a PG-rated comedy - Twins, to be precise.

When the 1988 buddy comedy was first being assembled, Arnie hadn't yet starred in a major studio comedy, and in order to quell Universal's fears over handing him a massive paycheck for a potentially miserly return, he agreed to forego his salary entirely in exchange for back-end profit points.

And so when Twins was a stonking success both at the box office and on home video, Arnie went on to rake in $35 million - the biggest payday of his entire career.

Schwarzenegger has since called the gamble one of the best decisions of his entire life, in turn encouraging him to try his hand at a variety of comedy roles, many of which turned out to be box office hits.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.