10 Insane Movie Facts Nobody Believes

5. Steven Spielberg Completed His College Degree By Using Schindler's List As An Assignment

Peter Dinklage Warwick Davis

Steven Spielberg is nothing if not a testament to the potential of the college dropout, given that he quit his higher education in 1968 in order to direct TV for Universal, as eventually led to, well, his entire career.

Yet in an amusing twist, Spielberg actually finally completed his abandoned B.A. in film and video production in 2002, returning to his decades-deferred degree at Cal State Long Beach to complete the outstanding assignments.

Though Spielberg didn't sit in on conventional classes, he completed all required tasks remotely including writing essays, and most importantly, a practical assignment, to complete a "polished" film running at least 12 minutes in length.

Spielberg had a bit of advantage over his classmates here, though, submitting his 1993 Holocaust drama Schindler's List - which, remember, won seven Oscars including Best Picture and Best Director.

While Spielberg's identity was kept secret during the two semesters it took for him to complete his degree, the veil was finally dropped upon graduation, which he attended alongside 6,000 other students.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.