10 Insane Movie Fan Theories That Sort Of Make Sense

6. Willy Wonka Is A Child Murderer Who Wants To Pass On His Business - Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Possibly the most controversial theory on this list based solely on the fact that it incorporates a serial killer as the main character in a (albeit extremely terrifying) G-rated movie, the theory behind the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory makes a lot of sense. Willy Wonka (Gene Wilder, in his best performance ever) actually not only knew that the fate would come upon the four who were killed/disappeared in his factory, but he planned it and made sure it would happen. He left one boy alive, Charlie Bucket, to learn from the death-inducing morals of the film, but also to carry on his legacy, of what I have to assume is some sort of purification of the human race. While this theory can be looked down upon, it makes a terrifying amount of sense, and it€™s the only explanation I have for why the Oompa Loompa songs exist, because it would be very difficult to rhyme that well so consistently with only thirty seconds of prep time. Also, in the terrifying and trippy boat scene, there are no extra seats, where Augustus (who had already been disposed of) and his parent would have been. Willy Wonka, chocolate extraordinaire, mentor to Charlie Bucket, and homicidal maniac. It should be printed on his business card.
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Addicted to film and television since the ye old days of 1998, between Blue's Clues to Breaking Bad, I have been on a quest to find the most worthwhile pieces of film and television and share my thoughts on them to the world. Enjoy!