9. Jesus Was An Engineer - Prometheus

The biggest mystery surrounding Ridley Scott's Prometheus remains why the Engineers became so angry with humanity's presence, and had attempted to wipe their own creation off the face of the Earth. My own theory upon seeing the Engineer rip David's head off was that they believed humanity to have gone "too far" in "playing God" (by creating a believable synthetic human), though Ridley Scott himself chimed in with an idea that was floated around in an earlier script, before being removed for being too "on the nose". This early idea suggested that the Engineers sent one of their own to Earth to help humanity, but the Roman Empire instead decided to execute him 2000 years ago, and that Engineer was, of course, the figure we know today as Jesus Christ. Hence, the Engineers were pretty p*ssed off about us crucifying one of their own - especially when it was a peace offering of sorts - so decided that we had, as a race, extended beyond our reach, and had to be put down once and for all.