10 Insane Movie Theories (That Are Clearly Utter Bull)

2. Stan Lee Is The Watcher - Marvel Cinematic Universe

UatuThe Crazy Theory: Stan Lee has cameoed in pretty much every film under the Marvel banner (except, for some reaon, X-Men 2) with increasing screen time. He€™s been a wartime general, Hugh Hefner lookalike, Willie Lumpkin (The Fantastic Four's postman) and even himself. But some would suggest all these people are actually all the same character; the mysterious Uatu. Why It Can€™t Be True: Better known as The Watcher, Uatu is part of a species who catalogue the universe for future species. And, of course, he€™s the one charged with observing Earth. Originally not meant to interfere with us, Star Trek style, he eventually works with The Fantastic Four against Galactus. Pretty cool character, huh? Given the hidden nature it€™s easy to see why Lee could be playing him and it explains the ridiculousness of his recurring cameos. They even look alike if you turn down your computer brightness and squint. But come on. Lee's cmaeos little in jokes that are a more obvious version of Bruce Campbell in Raimi€™s films. In fact, I buy the equally barmy notion that Campbell was an early Mysterio who kept happening upon Peter Parker much more than this. Thankfully I don€™t think many people take this one too seriously, but no doubt there€™s some out there expecting Age Of Ultron to have him pop up in a post credit sting.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.