10 Insane Rumours For Upcoming Superhero Movies

8. The Main Villain Will Be A Dark Version Of The Flash - The Flash

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Tom Cruise Iron Man
Warner Bros.

The Flash solo movie is currently a few months into shooting, and it's no surprise at all that the film will be effectively adapting the time travel-centric Flashpoint comic book arc, with both Ben Affleck and Michael Keaton reprising their roles as Bruce Wayne/Batman.

But with recent set photos showing Ezra Miller working opposite a double wearing slightly differently-coloured clothes, speculation is running rampant that The Flash's primary antagonist will be a dark version of Barry Allen himself.

How Likely Is It?: This makes a lot of sense for several reasons - first and foremost we know for a fact that the film will deal with alternate universes and different iterations of major characters, so why not The Flash?

Also, stunt doubles generally wear the exact same clothing as the actor for obvious reasons, so it's pretty odd that the colours are different here, almost as though it's actually to ensure we can distinguish the two Flashes apart.

It'd certainly be a neat spin on the cliche of superheroes fighting mirror versions of themselves.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.