10 Insane Theories That Improve Bad Movies

2. Indiana Jones 4 Is Indy's Cancerous Fever Dream From Inside The Fridge

With CGI gophers, Shia LaBeouf swinging from vines like Tarzan with monkeys, aliens, and a returning Marion Ravenwood, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was barmy and bad enough for many to ask, "What was Spielberg smoking when he made this?". But if we think of it another way, it becomes a whole lot more clear. When Indy stumbles onto a nuclear testing site and climbs inside a fridge to protect himself from the impending nuke, he may have helped coin the term "nuke the fridge" as the new "jump the shark", but there's also something far more sinister going on. From the moment of detonation, the rest of the film is Indy's cancerous, radiation-infused fever dream as he slowly fades away. Think about all of the weirdness that took place in the film, as well as the appearance of Indy's son and his former flame; is it not entirely possible that Indy is imagining all of those things he never got to reconcile in his life as he departs this planet? If only Spielberg had cut back to a sweaty, bloody, pale Indy convulsing right before the credits, then this could have been a surreal masterpiece rather than a blockbuster misfire.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.