10 Insane Truths We Just Learned About Recent Movies

5. Bumblebee's Hailee Steinfeld Nearly Had A Polaroid Cameo - Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts

Hayley Atwell Mission Impossible
Paramount Pictures

Despite the pair going their separate ways in the closing stages of what still ranks as the best Transformers movie of the entire live-action series, there was still a chance that Hailee Steinfeld's Charlie Watson could reunite with the bright yellow Autobot heading into the latest entry for the franchise - Transformers: Rise of the Beasts.

In the end, though, Charlie didn't make a surprise comeback. But there was actually a moment cut out of Rise of the Beasts that would have acted as a cameo of sorts for the character.

According to director Steven Caple Jr. (in a recent interview with THR), a moment involving Bumblebee showing Optimus Prime a Polaroid selfie of the pals taken by Charlie would've highlighted how close the two were.

In the end, though, Transformers: Rise of the Beasts settled for just indirectly referencing Watson, with this Steinfeld photo appearance instead finding itself in the deleted scenes file.

But for those still holding out hope of Charlie somehow returning to the mix in future films, it is worth noting how Caple Jr. went out of his way to state how much he loves Steinfeld and that the way his film ends leaves the door open for a potential return down the road.

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