10 Insane Truths We Just Learned About Recent Movies

4. Michael Shannon Wasn't Satisfied Returning As General Zod - The Flash

Hayley Atwell Mission Impossible
Warner Bros. Pictures

Joining the likes of Michael Keaton and countless other DC movie alumni making their returns during this year's cameo-fest known as The Flash, Michael Shannon also popped back up as Kryptonian menace General Zod.

And while the star of the likes of Knives Out and Revolutionary Road certainly enjoyed his first stab at bringing the iconic big bad to life in Zack Snyder's Man of Steel, Shannon didn't appear to have quite as much fun during his Zod comeback.

That's according to the star himself, who pulled absolutely zero punches when summing up his return to the DCEU in a conversation with Collider recently.

Classing the multiversal films that are becoming increasingly more prevalent in theatres as being "like somebody playing with action figures", the Oscar-nominated thespian felt as though he was "basically there to present a challenge" and the experience "wasn’t quite satisfying for (him), as an actor."

Again, Shannon had nothing but positive words to say about his time working on the "in-depth character study" that was Man of Steel. But despite still going out of his way to note how The Flash had a similarly sophisticated story, one that simply wasn't Zod's, it's pretty safe to assume this will be the star's first and last dance in the multiverse.

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