10 Intense Horror Movie Scenes You Couldn't Watch

5. The Decent: Camera Shy Cave Dwellers

The Crawlers Aren T The REAL Killers In The Descent THUMB

If you're in any way claustrophobic, scared of the dark, or have a fear of cave dwelling humanoid cannibals, then The Decent is a movie best avoided. Directed by Neil Marshall, this relatively low budget, ultra terrifying romp into the unknown plays on fear like nothing else.

The narrative follows a group of six women exploring a cave system in Appalachian Mountains. Pretty soon into their expedition the entrance to the cave system collapses and from then on things take a turn for the terrifying. As the group descends further into the cave system their chances of survival begin to shrink. The group attempt to pit their way through the underground labyrinth, playing on the audiences fear of entrapment and isolated horror.

For the first 40 minutes you're left bitting you're nails as the group squeeze through narrow passage ways and attempt to cross treacherous ravines. Eventually one member breaks a leg and this is when things get worse (if that was possible). Using the classic 'night vision camera' trick, we get our first glimpse of the creatures that live below. Think Gollum on steroids. The group is then accosted by barely visible, slimy creates who proceed to tear them apart one by one. The audience's first real glimpse of them is the stuff of nightmares.

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Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.