10 Intense Horror Movie Scenes You Couldn't Watch

4. Rec: We're Most Afraid Of What We Can't See

The Crawlers Aren T The REAL Killers In The Descent THUMB
Magnet Releasing

The Blair Witch Project (1999) rekindled a trend of the 'found-footage' horror movie. Nothing screams terror like the possibility of some otherworldly demon being real but half the time these films are rarely convincing.

The 2007 Spanish horror flick, Rec, is unique in that it actually pulled this trope off. The basic premise involves a journalist and her cameraman following up on a distress call from an apartment building. Pretty soon things turn bad. An unknown virus seems to be infecting everyone with a rabies like rage, and our main characters are forced to play a game of deadly hide and seek as they are quarantined inside the building.

Prolonged sequences of creeping around in poorly lit spaces build the tension, before the obligatory jump scares are deployed to make you sh* your pants.

It all comes to a head during the last 10 minutes - which are the most on the edge of your seat moments you're likely to experience. The protagonists have made their way to the penthouse. With only the use of the cameras night vision, they are forced to creep around half blind before they are trapped and dragged away by a demonic creature.

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Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.