10 Intense Horror Movie Scenes You Couldn't Watch

3. Dog Soldiers: Private Terry Looks Tasty

The Crawlers Aren T The REAL Killers In The Descent THUMB
Kismet Entertainment Group

Neil Marshall has come along way since his directorial debut in the early 2000s. He's well known for directing big budget operations like episodes of Game of Thrones and the Hell Boy reboot (2019). But this guy cut his teeth on low budget gory horror flicks.

This grainy, dimly lit horror follows a group of British squaddies on a training exercise in the remote Scottish Highlands, who get waylaid by a bunch of "huge f**king howling things". The six man squad is forced to hotfoot it through the rugged landscape as an unseen foe pursues them.

During one scene they devise a plan to hot-wire an old Jeep they spotted in a barn. While the survivors cause a distraction, the squad's Geordie member makes a desperate dash for the barn. He manages to hot-wire the vehicle but as the lights flicker on the audience is faced with the grizzly scene of private Terry - previously thought to be dead - being slowly eaten alive by one of the werewolves.

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Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.