10 Intense Horror Movies That Dared You To Sit Through Them

2. Ichi The Killer

Incident in a Ghostland
Media Blasters

In Ichi the Killer, a Yakuza enforcer called Kakihara is ordered to track down a cowardly assassin called Ichi. When he learns Ichi has been conditioned to go into a monstrous killing spree when threatened, Kakihara realises he'll need his entire clan to stand a chance against him.

Nearly every scene in Ichi the Killer contains a deluge of entrails and viscera, which makes this manga adaptation feel like an endurance test, rather than a movie. Throughout this barbaric gorefest, nipples are hacked off, bodies are sliced in two, faces are ripped apart, tongues are removed, and walls are painted with fountains of blood. The titular "hero" leaves such a mess while disposing his rivals, it looks like they're diving into a meat grinder.

The usage of bold colours and stylised camerawork accentuates the meticulously crafted violence, making every decapitation, dismemberment, and vivisection leave a massive impression.

This isn't necessarily a good thing, since there are dozens upon dozens of disturbing moments in Ichi the Killer, which will be stuck in viewers' memory banks for years, whether they want to remember them or not.


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