10 Most Interesting Marvel Villains (We Haven't Seen Onscreen Yet)

9. Mojo

For those not familiar with the Mojoverse, prepare to be enlightened. An alternate dimension and world populated by boneless aliens called Spineless Ones, the population's chief form of entertainment is watching extreme reality television featuring genetically-modified humanoid slaves. It's basically televised torture, and it's all run by Mojo, a yellow-skinned glob of a mess connected to a floating chair and a whole host of weapons by a series of gruesome wires and cables. A gross parody of television executives, Mojo makes for a visually striking - and disgusting - villain as well as a potent cultural statement, and would certainly be a worthwhile challenge to portray on film or television effectively. He's most often an enemy of the X-Men, but the current movie franchise probably wouldn't support such a weird premise, unless Longshot got introduced in his own spinoff movie... But in the meantime, it would be a blast to see Agent Coulson and his newly-rebuilt SHIELD accidentally stumble onto one of Mojo's studio lots and have to survive the glitz and glamour of Mojoworld.

Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.