10 International Smash-Hits That America Somehow Hated

8. Life Of Pi

Pi Touted as the next Avatar, domestic audiences just did not see director Ang Lee's visually spectacular Life of Pi in that light regardless of its showering praise and multiple Academy Award Nominations. Barely making back its budget of $120 million stateside, Life of Pi dominated the international box office raking in nearly $500 million. There are couple obvious factors to this one however. Low domestic grosses profoundly stemmed from the Indian setting and Hinduism religious themes. There also isn€™t any star power whatsoever to sway American audiences into checking it out. It is most definitely a brilliantly acted film but no name actors on the front bill will always work against Hollywood blockbusters. The targeted demographic supported the film though making Life of Pi the third highest grossing film of all time in India. It was also highly successful in China.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.