10 James Bond Gadgets We Wish Were Real

10. €œCredit Card€ Key - A View to a Kill

Gadget: Most people view the use of this handy dandy little gadget as the filmmakers having a bit of fun. We all know how laughably easy it is to open any door in any movie using a simple credit card. You even know the order of this procedure: insert card just above latch, jiggle, open door. So when it comes time for Roger Moore (in his last outing as 007) to open the electronic lock on a window, he pulls out a credit card, leading us to believe we€™re about to witness the most ridiculous use of this trope ever. Instead, at the last second he flips it over to reveal that its a device from Sharper Image (the company that's made it€™s fortune making espionage-type devices for wannabe 007€™s) and is actually an electronic lock pick. Pierce Brosnon uses a similar one in The World is Not Enough, but you can€™t beat its use in A View to a Kill. Real World Application: If this were to hit the market, the most obvious targets would be homeowners. We€™ve all come home at least once in our lives to a locked door, along with lost or forgotten keys. What we used to do in that situation is try to find a window that€™s already unlocked, and hope we don€™t mangle the screen as we try to jimmy our way in. Wouldn€™t it be so much easier to simply have a credit card, or something like it that is programmed to open a window for you upon touching it to a designated surface? Or better yet, a door? This technology has existed in offices for nearly 20 years now, but not many homes. Time for a change I say!

Lifelong lover of film. Married to a wonderful woman, newly 30, and a brand new father of a beautiful baby boy. Writer, editor, director, and all around savage beast.