10 Justice League Surprises That Could Totally Happen
4. Lois Lane Is Killed

Revisiting the point about Lois Lane being "key" in Justice League, the DC Universe's staff reporter is likely to die during the movie in a pivotal scene for Superman.
From what can be gleamed from Bruce Wayne's Knightmares in Batman v Superman, Lois's death is no doubt what sends the resurrected Supes off on a dark path.
Introducing the concept of parallel universes now, connected to The Flash's time travel capabilities, her survival on a different timeline sees Kal-El remain a righteous hero and battle Steppenwolf alongside the other Justice Leaguers.
Barry Allen appears to be aware of the pivotal nature of Lois's death and its impact on Superman, hence why he races back through time to warn Batman that he must save Clark Kent's main squeeze at all costs.
No doubt Justice League will show us what a world without Lois looks like, complete with evil Superman and victorious Steppenwolf, before The Flash's time jumping antics strikes her demise from the record.