10 Lame Characters That Ruined Otherwise Awesome Films

7. Kevin (American Pie)

Oh, Kevin. Other than a scene in which he goes down on Tara Reid (and that in itself is a scene I wish I could forget), I can't even remember what the purpose of Kevin was in the first American Pie film, other than to make the other boys take the pledge to lose their virginity. In the sequel he was even more inconsequential - other than mooning over Vicky, he was just there to make sure the other boys had a party house. Jim is the hopeless nerd that lets us revel in Schadenfreude, Oz is the changed man, the reformer, the 'Eliza Doolittle' of the bunch, Stifler is... well, Stifler, and Finch of course is the eccentric sophisticate who likes his ladies as well-aged as his scotch. But Kevin? What's the point of Kevin? He's like cranberries in a salad - a useless distraction.
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Amy Maynard is a PhD candidate by day, and a pop culture pundit by night. She enjoys drinking red wine, and reeks of Burberry perfume and cigar smoke.