10 Lame Movie Heroes It Was Impossible To Root For

7. Ray Owens - The Last Stand

Lh4 Arnold Schwarzenegger's return to action hero fame was always going to have some bumps in the road. His performance in The Last Stand was certainly one of these. The film focused on an escaped drug cartel kingpin and his super fast car as much as it did character development which meant everyone was lacking. The only person you really get a feel for is Johnny Knoxville but predictably this is as the town crazy person in contrast Forrest Whitaker seems to be confused the whole time he is on screen as if he wasn't aware of the plot before turning up on set. With this being the standard set it should be no problem for Arnie to shine through as Sheriff Ray Owens. The problem is that he just doesn't. The issues don't stem from him being a large Austrian small town sheriff, we've seen Schwarzenegger play these unconvincing characters before but the difference is that we're usually invested in what happens to them. As Owens he really doesn't seem affected by anything as he's just a stoic, cut and paste hero with little to no character at all. Couple this with the fact that he's essentially a side story in this film and there isn't even any time to build a motivation apart from the black and white standard of let's stop the baddie. The character of Ray Owens isn't on this list because he was terrible or ridiculous, quite the opposite. He just didn't make much of an impression and I'd struggle to remember anything memorable he did during the narrative.

A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen. Follow me on Twitter @Johno_Patterson