10 Lame Movie Heroes It Was Impossible To Root For

6. Aang - The Last Airbender

Lh5 Another entry featuring a Shyamalan character, what are the chances? I'm not on a witch hunt here though, The Last Airbender simply had to be on this list or I'd get a lot of grief. With access to the rich and colourful source material of the animation, Shyamalan decided that instead he would whitewash the main cast and give roles to the first child actors to walk through the door. I can only assume the latter is true and couples with the terrible visual effects and paper thin narrative; there wasn't much chance of critical success. The central character is the titular Last Airbender, Aang. We follow him and his companions in a quest to avoid capture by the sinister Fire Nation. Of course the inevitable occurs and they must do battle but by this point you won't really care. Aang learns Waterbending, travels to the spirit world and accepts his destiny as the Avatar to overcome all odds to emerge victorious. While this all sounds thrilling, I can assure you it is not. If you can make it through the entirety of this film on the back of Noah Ringer's performance as Aang, you're a trooper. Granted he's a young actor and the direction of Shyamalan clearly leaves a lot to be desired but when it gets to the point that you're actively rooting against the hero of the piece, you ain't doing it right.

A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen. Follow me on Twitter @Johno_Patterson