10 Lame Movie Heroes It Was Impossible To Root For

5. Robin - Batman & Robin

Lh6 Dick Grayson, a character with a tragic history parallel to Bruce Wayne's and a desire to fight crime. This was not how Chris O'Donnell chose to portray him in 1997's universally mocked Batman & Robin. Instead we were treated to whining, jealousy and bat-nipples. Joel Schumacher's vision of the Caped Crusader was campy, which is not necessarily a bad thing as seen in the 60s show starring Adam West, but in an attempt to be tongue in cheek it reached the point of being unbearable. We were never given a chance to like the character of Robin in this film. Right from the off he's crying and moaning that Batman doesn't trust him enough, in a much parodied sequence, angrily yelling at him ('aaaarrgh!') from a rooftop when he takes off after Mr. Freeze alone. Couple this angsty teen attitude with such wonders as bat-skates or air surfing on metal doors and the whole movie adds up to a great unintentional joke. Chris O'Donnell has even said in an interview since the film that he felt like he was shooting a toy commercial, what hope did his character have? He even competes for the affections of the clearly evil Poison Ivy against Batman, at one point challenging him to bid for her at auction. Despite his stellar observation that The Dark Knight is wearing 'a utility belt, not a money belt' he is bested by the Bat credit card. I have to stop talking about this it's making me sad.

A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen. Follow me on Twitter @Johno_Patterson