10 Lame Movie Heroes It Was Impossible To Root For

3. Matt Murdock - Daredevil

daredevil-movie__span Now we come to the reason why people have been tearing their hair out over the casting decisions of the next Superman film. Ben Affleck may have matured and changed his ways somewhat with a stellar directing career and more nuanced performances but few will ever forget the internet hate magnet that is Daredevil. In the film he played Matt Murdock, a blind lawyer living in New York's Hell's Kitchen. His affliction was caused during a toxic waste accident as a child. After this tragic event his other senses heightened and gave him sonar capabilities enabling him to see through sonic vibrations. He uses this, coupled with his martial arts training to become the crime-fighter known as Daredevil. While this does indeed sound like the recipe for a top notch superhero film, the results were anything but. With a narrative consisting of martial arts sparring in a playground, soppy clichés and for some reason Daredevil's ability to launch himself through the air as if he has actual superpowers we are never drawn in enough to care about our protagonist. The character's only motivations are displayed in flashback form and from then on he's just some guy in a costume. The convoluted plotting and wooden performances only serve as the final nail in the coffin.

A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen. Follow me on Twitter @Johno_Patterson