10 Lame Movie Heroes It Was Impossible To Root For

2. Mutt Williams - Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Lh9 Shia LaBeouf has a contentious history of starring in films and then slagging them off afterwards. With the fourth Indiana Jones film he may have been right to, but that doesn't excuse his part in causing the disaster. In the film he plays Henry "Mutt Williams" Jones III, who turns out to be Indiana Jones' son. This would be a lot more palatable if the rest of the film up to that point had not made us actively hate the character. Where to begin? There is the face-palm inducing car sword fight, the constant tired jokes about Indiana Jones' age or the most criminal of them all; swinging on vines with terrible CGI monkeys. Those alone should be enough to deter those who haven't yet seen it. Those who did came to see an Indiana Jones film but were instead offered a story of LaBeouf's teen greaser maturing from Mutt into Henry and learning to respect his father. Taking focus away from Harrison Ford's Indiana is criminal enough to deserve a spot on this list, but to do it in such a spectacularly terrible fashion is unforgivable. The biggest crime against nostalgia happens at the very end. Indiana Jones and Marion finally tie the knot, as Mutt... picks up the legendary hat and puts it on. Although Indiana tried to make light of the situation and takes it back from him, the damage is already done.

A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen. Follow me on Twitter @Johno_Patterson