10 Last Minute Movie Decisions That Shaped Your Favourite Films

4. Japanese Kids Love Broccoli (Inside Out)

Bird Box Monster

When you watched 2015's Inside Out for the first time, you would be forgiven for thinking that it was a near perfect family film with enough resonating themes and subtlety to break parents and children with ease.

So what had to be changed, at such a late stage, in order to keep this masterpiece from failing?

Well, failing is a strong word, but Pixar came to a shocking realisation when they were watching one of their freshly animated sequences from the film. Riley, the young girl whose head we spend the majority of the film in, at one point refuses to eat a bowl of broccoli she is offered.

So what? Everyone hates broccoli. Not in Japan!

Just before the film was set to be released in the country, it dawned on Pixar that children in Japan tend to unanimously love broccoli, so it would've made no sense to have her reject the dish.

Replacing the bowl of broccoli with bell peppers, which in Japan are seen to be as gross as broccoli, Pixar managed to salvage the scene for its release in the country.

Go figure.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...