10 Latest Major Movie Blockbuster Release Date Changes You Need To Know About

4. Top Gun: Maverick

Spider-Man Homecoming Promo Art
Paramount Pictures

Another strong indication that movie studios are coming to terms with the fact that anything they release in 2020 is likely to underperform, one of December's biggest releases (which surely would have dominated the box office with no new Star Wars film as competition) has also suffered a significant delay: Top Gun: Maverick.

Pencilled in for a December 23rd debut, the highly anticipated sequel starring Tom Cruise has been pushed all the way back to July 1st, 2021, a prime release date which should allow it to take full advantage of the extended Fourth of July holiday weekend.

It's not been an easy journey for the follow-up to the 1986 classic as it was actually supposed to arrive in cinemas last July before the decision was made back in 2018 to have it come out this June. As you might expect, that release date was changed back in April, but this latest move pushes it much further down the calendar, and that's not exactly a shocker all things considered.

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