10 Least Convincing Movie Badasses

7. Keira Knightly - Domino (Domino)

If someone was to describe a character as a chain-smoking, hard living bounty hunter then Keira Knightley probably isn€™'t the first name that would spring to mind for the part. In this case she was playing a real person named Domino Harvey, who was a fashion model that got bored and became a bounty hunter.

Her life was actually pretty fascinating, although that didn'€™t really translate to the movie. Bounty hunting is presumably a job that requires a fair degree of physical strength and intimidation to be able to do effectively. Keira Knightly isn'€™t anyone€™'s definition of intimidating, meaning the scenes where she acts tough come across as fairly forced. She looks uncomfortable carrying a weapon any heavier than a flick knife, and when she needs to act cool she takes a drag of a cigarette while pouting a little.

Ultimately Domino feels like a bratty teenager playing dress-up instead of a hardened bounty hunter. The movie would still have sucked even if Knightley was super convincing in the part, but it didn€™'t help that she really, really wasn'€™t.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.