10 Least Convincing Movie Badasses

6. Bruce Willis - John McClane (A Good Day To Die Hard)

This may seem like a surprise entry - John McClane is one of the all time great badass characters, after all. Part of his appeal is that he'€™s an everyman who pushes through his own fears and doubt to succeed; plus he can withstand a hell of a beating.

By the time of the fifth Die Hard though he€™'s barely recognisable as the same person. Gone is the sense of humour and relatability, which is replaced by a bored actor sleepwalking towards a paycheck. Whatever passion Willis once had for the character was long gone in part five, which finds McClane as the grumpy sidekick to his own son.

Jai Courtney's John Jr. is the one driving the plot forward, with dad shrugging his way along whilst occasionally mumbling. He also causes as much damage as the bad guys do, driving over cars during a chase scene or causing a helicopter to crash, all done with the same enthusiasm someone would have queuing in a post office, which is a sad state of affairs for one of the best movie heroes ever created.

Things don'€™t look set to get any better with the forthcoming Die Hard: Year One either. Although at least Bruce Willis shouldn't be starring to phone it in this time.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.