10 Least Convincing Nerd Characters In Cinema

1. Hugh Jackman - Swordfish

The casting of Hugh Jackman as the world€™s best hacker almost feels like a joke between two studio executives. They€™re at a swanky cocktail party, discussing their hot new script Swordfish, and they drunkenly joke about the worst possible choice for the hacker role. €œHmm, how about Bruce Willis?€ *chuckle* €œYeah, or maybe Clint Eastwood!€ *howls of laughter* €œYeah, yeah or how about Wolverine!€ One of them laughs, while the idea somehow strikes a chord with his friend. It sounds farfetched, but it€™s as plausible an explanation for Jackman€™s casting as any. Jackman was hot off of X-Men when he was cast in glossy action flick Swordfish, where he€™s a hacker helping John Travolta€™s thief steal some government money. It€™s probably best remembered today for the scene where Halle Berry flashes her boobs for... well, no real reason. Nobody complained though. And there€™s also the moment Jackman is forced at gunpoint - while a prostitute does prostitutey things to him - to make an impossible hack in under a minute. It€™s a job interview technique that sadly never took off. The story introduces Jackman shirtless, playing golf on the roof of his trailer. His toned abs glisten in the hot sun, and he looks like he€™s filming a cologne ad. This is what all computer geeks do in their spare time. He€™s soon whisked into the €œsexy€ world of underground hacking, where he creates some kind of digital rubix cube that€™s supposed to be a computer worm. There€™s a montage of Jackman designing this complete with techno music, wine drinking and doing victory dances. It's ridiculous in the best possible way. Basically it€™s a scene conceived by people who don€™t really know what hackers are, or what they do. It€™s hacking Hollywood style. So in a strange way Hugh Jackman is perfectly cast. Can you think of any other actors who were badly miscast as nerds or losers? Disagree with any of the choices on this list? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.