10 Least Romantic Movies Ever Released On Valentine's Day

6. The Delta Force

Silence Of The Lambs Anthony Hopkins

There’s nothing like a sensitive drama for Valentine’s Day, and The Delta Force is nothing like a sensitive drama. Released to American theaters on 14 February 1986, this is a gung-ho fantasy where Chuck Norris and his team rescue the passengers of a hijacked jet.

Don’t let the presence of multiple Oscar winners and nominees lull you into believing that this is a prestigious drama – it abandons any attempt at realism the moment Chuck starts blowing up bad guys with the rocket launcher attached to his motorcycle. Released a year after Chuck took on Communist invaders in Invasion USA, The Delta Force is basically more of the same only with Arabs as the villains.

Cited in the documentary Reel Bad Arabs for its one-note portrayal of Arabs, The Delta Force casts New York born Robert Forster as “Abdul Rafai”, who you can tell is a terrorist just by looking at him. Too bad nobody in the film ever questions his accent or asks him why he feels the need to darken his skin.


Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'