10 Legacy Horror Movie Sequels Everyone Actually Wants To See

6. 28 Days Later

Wrong Turn
Fox Searchlight

There is no question Danny Boyle's 28 Days Later is directly responsible for reigniting interest in the zombie genre. (Which is ironic since there are technically no zombies in the movie.) Not only that, this British horror popularised "fast zombies" - a trend that's still firmly established in modern zombie lore.

Since 28 Days Later took the world by storm, the sequel, 28 Weeks Later, was inevitable. Because this follow-up focused on a different ensemble, we never learned what happened to the survivors of the first film, most notably Cillian Murphy's character, Jim.

Although fans hoped we would learn of Jim's fate in the next instalment, it never materialised. Even though there have been rumours that 28 Months Later was on the cards since 2007, the threequel never seemed to come together.

But in 2019, Danny Boyle confirmed he had met with 28 Days Later's writer, Alex Garland, to discuss the story of a potential third film. Better still, Cillian Murphy stated he would love to revisit to the franchise, meaning it's very possible 28 Months Later will be a direct continuation of Jim's story.


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