10 Lessons DC Needs To Learn From Batman V Superman

7. Marketing Needs To Tone It Down

Warner Bros.

Regardless of a film’s actual quality, it still falls on marketing to sell it to audiences. In the case of Batman V Superman, it shouldn’t be hard to sell two of the world’s most famous heroes fighting each other. Nevertheless, the film didn't smash the box office in part because some of its biggest secrets were spoiled by marketing months before the film even came out.

The trailers in particular were criticized for giving far too much away. Viewers were afraid most of the film had been spoiled before the movie even released, and in hindsight, they were right. Everything from Doomsday's reveal to Batman and Superman's fight was shown in great detail and the actual film itself contained few surprises as a result.

This is a case where less would have been more and DC needs to realize this for future releases. The characters and the brand ought to be a selling point right off the bat, and there’s no need to shove every reveal down viewers’ throats to convince them to come out.

If they keep up this process, then viewers will learn that there's no need to actually see the movies since the trailers already show everything. Instead, they need to keep doing what they've been doing on Suicide Squad, giving hints and the plot without spoiling the whole thing.

If they can keep that up for future movies, then there will be nothing to worry about.

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Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.