10 Lessons DC Needs To Learn From Batman V Superman

6. Work On Avoiding Plot Holes

Warner Bros.

One of the most frustrating aspects with Batman v Superman was its astonishing amount of plot holes. It felt like very few of the plot developments held up to scrutiny and the whole movie felt forced and hard to believe.

For example, why would people believe Superman shot those people in Africa? Why couldn’t Superman simply tell Batman that Lex had kidnapped his mother instead of fighting him? How was Batman setting up to fight Superman at the exact moment that Lex sent him over?

There’s plenty more just like those, but this paints a good picture of the desperate need for DC to look at their stories with a more critical eye and be mindful of the leaps they're taking in order to tell their desired narrative.

A good approach to adopt might be that of the Russos. They discussed making their Captain America movies “honest trailer-proof,” as in, devoid of any stupid plot contrivances. It sounds like a silly practice, but it’s worked and DC would be wise to learn how to follow suit.

By simply dissecting their scripts a little more and questioning the logic behind key story beats, this ought to be an easy problem for DC to avoid going forward, because it will drastically dampen their stories if they cannot.

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Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.