10 Lessons DC Needs To Learn From Batman V Superman

5. Know How To Use The Comics

Warner Bros./DC Comics

With such a rich source material to draw on, the question of how much to adapt becomes a regular issue for many comic book movies. Batman v Superman seemed to struggle in this regard, fluctuating between extreme faithfulness and bizarre originality.

At times, the film felt like a straight adaption of The Dark Knight Returns, and while that's awesome for a minute, no one wants to see the exact same thing copied from page to screen.

Conversely, huge chunks of the movie didn't make it feel like a comic book movie at all. It was far too serious, wrapped up in trying to portray a realistic world and losing the fun and excitement that people love about the comics.

DC needs to work to find a middle ground when adapting their properties if they want to get the most out of them. They need to be able to honour the comics while still offering something new and they need to do it consistently throughout. There should be less of this flip-flopping with the comics acting as a stepping stone but not something to be completely beholden to.

While their future slate doesn't need to feel formulaic, establishing a common and effective trend of how to adapt the source material would undeniably help out their upcoming films.

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Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.