10 Lessons DC Needs To Learn From Batman V Superman

4. A Little Humour Goes A Long Way

Warner Bros.

Batman v Superman was, in a word, joyless. For a blockbuster movie featuring two iconic superheroes going up against an evil genius, none of it felt very fun. The movie desperately needed some levity to round out all of the darkness and an easy way to break up that feeling is with a little bit of humour.

While viewers are certainly looking for adult material with DC's films, that doesn’t mean they want to see gut-wrenching, heavy-handed drama within this genre for the entire running length. There are plenty of other films for that and DC needs to shift up their tone just a little bit to properly capture their desired audience and give them more of what they want.

Many often complain about Marvel’s lighter, comedic tone and DC certainly doesn’t need to take things that far. We don't need a comedy starring Batman, but it's OK for the characters to not be completely serious all of the time. A joke here or there can help humanize these heroes and pull the viewer out of the depressing reality for just a moment.

It seems that DC has recognized this problem as rumours persist that both Suicide Squad and The Flash going for more lighthearted tones, meaning they may be realizing that viewers are getting a little tired of all the darkness and brooding and that they need to change to accommodate that.

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Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.