10 Lessons The Live Action Avatar Series Could Learn From The 2010 Film

4. The Visuals

The Last Airbender movie
Paramount Pictures

Now, the effects of this film were a problem of the time - and that problem was the 3D era.

Ironically, it was James Cameron's Avatar (the reason this one had the title "The Last Airbender) that fired the craze for 3D. It didn't always work, however, and this film proves that.

In his review of the film, Roger Ebert said "It's a known fact that 3D causes a measurable decrease in perceived brightness, but 'Airbender' looks like it was filmed with a dirty sheet over the lens." He's not wrong - but even if we ignore the contrived 3D add-on, the CGI still looks pretty terrible, and jars anyone who managed to get absorbed in the film right back out of it again.

It's been ten years though, so here's to hoping the new series applies modern magic to the aesthetics.

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An all round nerd from North Wales.