10 Lessons The Live Action Avatar Series Could Learn From The 2010 Film

3. Choreography

The Last Airbender movie

The one thing that could have saved this mess of a film could have been decent fight scenes. Sometimes it's fine to switch the brain off and enjoy the action when a story is terrible. What a shame that we didn't even get that.

Slow-mo was used to death, and there's so little tension in the fights that you'd be forgiven for falling asleep. It's another travesty, when we look at how the original utilized wacky animation to produce some great action.

In the series, martial artist Sifu Kisu was hired as the fighting instructor and consultant. He cleverly employed Tai Chi for the waterbending movements, Ba Gua for airbending, as well as numerous other real-life martial arts for the other benders. It was a shame he wasn't involved with the film, because Noah Ringer, who played Aang, is actually a martial artist. Missed opportunity there.

It hasn't been announced as to whether he's involved in the new series yet, but considering how he shaped the original, it would be a shame not to.

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An all round nerd from North Wales.