10 Lies Told In Recent Movie Trailers

4. The Movie Mostly Takes Place On The Ship - Triangle Of Sadness

Shazam Fury of the Gods Wonder Woman

Best Picture Oscar nominee Triangle of Sadness had a ton of hype following its Palme d'Or win at the Cannes Film Festival, and when the first trailer dropped, it quite plainly implied that the bulk of the class warfare satire would take place on the confines of a luxury yacht.

The trailers were focused almost entirely on the carnage onboard said yacht, while devoting only around 20 seconds to the fact that the passengers are eventually forced to abandon ship.

As a result, you'd surely assume that the shipwreck portion of the movie is only a small part of Triangle of Sadness - a third-act epilogue, even. But as it turns out, this comprises the entire final hour of the film, and less than half of the story actually takes place on the boat.

Granted, it's a thoroughly entertaining piece of work from start to finish regardless of the "lie," but the marketing clearly leaned into the spiciest part of its premise - all hell breaking loose on a luxury ship.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.