10 Likeable Actors Who Need to Play Psychopaths

8. Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp has played the bad guy in a few films, but it is almost universally an ambiguous brand of evil, perhaps because he doesn't want to risk tarnishing his image of likeability with a truly demented role. In Secret Window - and this is a spoiler warning - Depp plays a character who is only outed as the bad guy during the twist ending, while in Sweeney Todd, his villainy is played for laughs, and he is still a charming sort. He did also play the baddie in The Astronaut's Wife, but again, he was not an out-and-out villain; his character was a victim, and by the end, his likeness sheds away to reveal the true alien force at play. It'd just be nice to see him veer away from the safety of working with Tim Burton in these tirelessly quirky roles, and stop cashing cheques on Pirates of the Caribbean. We want something genuinely unsettling; and I imagine it is something his fans, who may even be getting a little tired of his samey shtick themselves, would go for, given their acceptance of his quirkiness thus far. Can you imagine Depp as a serial killer, strangling people with a psychotic grimace on his face? The fact that he is so charming might even work for the role; his charisma is what would lure people in.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.