10 Little Known X-Men Who Could Make Marvel Millions

8. Marrow

Northstar Marvel
Marvel Comics

A former Morlock and leader of their splinter cell Gene Nation, Marrow would eventually join the X-Men seeking redemption. This would be the perfect jumping off point to introduce not just her but the underground dwellers that make up the rest of the Morlocks as well.

One of the more important bands of mutants that have yet to get enough, if any, exposure in any of the Fox movies (even though they're six films in), the Morlocks need to be represented a lot better if Disney/Marvel are looking to use their Midas touch on their recently acquired property.

The bone sprouting Marrow has a lot in her locker that could be adapted outside of her Morlock past as well. The fact she was part of the Weapon X program could find her appearing in any new Deadpool film that may be on the horizon, and there's also the fact she's been a member of X-Force too.

Hell, she's even hung out with Spider-Man, ended up on the Skrull homeworld and came face to face with Galactus on one occasion.


Jack of all trades, Master of none. The former rocker of the big beard.