All 10 Live-Action Movie Batsuits - Ranked From Worst To Best

3. Batman Begins (2005)

Batman Begins became the first movie to give the Batsuit an origin story, delivered by none other than master of exposition Morgan Freeman. In keeping with the more realistic tone that Christopher Nolan had established, Bruce Wayne's first Batsuit is created from re-purposed military hardware with a few necessary stylistic flourishes. An amalgamation of the character's training with the League of Shadows and the technology available from Wayne Enterprises, Batman Begins provides the most practical iteration of the costume yet. The base of the suit is a Nomex armor system, the utility best is a modified harness and the cape is made from 'memory cloth' that turns rigid with the use of an electric current. Of course, it takes a lot more than some shiny new technology in order to become Batman. Building on the costume's foundation, Bruce Wayne adds the cowl and Bat insignia to the chest, along with spiked gauntlets inspired by his time with Ra's Al Ghul. Gadget-wise, this version of the costume includes shuriken-like Batarangs, an earpiece handy for eavesdropping and a high frequency device that can summon a cloud of bats in the event that anyone doesn't quite get the jist as to who this guy is.
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