All 10 Live-Action Movie Batsuits - Ranked From Worst To Best

8. The Camp Classic (1966-68)

It's probably safe to say that nobody will ever play a live-action interpretation of Batman more often than Adam West. As well as becoming the first man to play the character in a feature-length theatrical release, the actor also donned the costume for 120 episodes of the kitsch classic television series. In keeping with the lo-fi camp spirit of the series and the movie, Adam West's Batsuit was suitably bargain basement. Another tight-fitting number, the costume once again suffered from giant underpants and a ridiculous-looking utility belt, as well as the strange decision to stencil some eyebrows onto the cowl. The brighter color scheme of the costume was however perfectly suited to this version of the character, and at least West was in better shape than the last guys to play Batman in live-action. Where Adam West's Batman really excelled was in the gadget stakes. Chances are that if you could attach the 'Bat' prefix onto an everyday object, the Caped Crusader would have it stashed somewhere. There are far too many Bat-gadgets to list here, but some of the best include the Bat-zooka, Bat-seismograph, Bat-magnifying glass, Bat-television, Bat-secret writing detector and of course, the shark repellent Bat-spray.
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