All 10 Live-Action Movie Batsuits - Ranked From Worst To Best

7. Batman And Robin (1997)

Rumors circulated that George Clooney urinated in his suit on more than one occasion due to the time-consuming nature of applying and removing Batman & Robin's version of the Batsuit which is understandable really, given that the costume was 50 pounds of molded rubber with a 40 pound rubber cape attached to the cowl. In keeping with the ridiculousness that crept into the franchise with Batman Forever, Clooney's Batsuit features the return of the dreaded Bat-nipples and an hilariously over-sized codpiece that definitively proved that Bruce Wayne designs his own costume. The suit is fairly similar to the one worn by Val Kilmer in the previous movie, but the costume takes on more of a bluish tone that Batman's signature black, mirroring the franchise's shift to a brighter color palette. Gadget-wise, this Batsuit comes equipped with various Bat-shaped explosives, a laser, a buzzsaw and even ice skates that are hidden in the boots. Of course, no discussion of the costume's gadgets would be complete without a mention of the cringeworthy Bat-credit card, complete with the expiration date 'forever'. Hilarious.
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