All 10 Live-Action Movie Batsuits - Ranked From Worst To Best

6. Sonar Suit - Batman Forever (1995)

In Batman Forever, the Riddler infiltrates the Batcave and destroys most of Bruce Wayne's gadgetry, leading the Caped Crusader to finish out the movie clad in a prototype 'Sonar Suit'. Those are the narrative reasons at least, as featuring two Batsuits in one movie for the first time also reeks of a commercial decision to shift merchandise. This version of the costume proved the most radical departure yet for the big-screen Batsuit, adopting a more metallic-looking aesthetic with the bat emblem spread across the entire chest as well as a more armored design than the sculpted suits previously used in the franchise. Funnily enough given the name, the costume features lenses that provide a sonar image of Batman's surroundings that conveniently comes in handy during his final showdown with The Riddler. In keeping with the new-found tone of the franchise under Joel Schumacher, the design of the costume made it the brightest version yet as it took on a silvery tone under certain lighting and made the big-screen Batman look like more of an action figure than ever before.
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