All 10 Live-Action Movie Batsuits - Ranked From Worst To Best

5. Batman Returns (1992)

The Batsuit didn't undergo any drastic redesigns for Tim Burton's follow-up to his 1989 smash hit, but the costume was made a lot more functional. This suit was significantly lighter than the version used in the original at 55 pounds, while Michael Keaton wisely insisted that a zipper be added for practical reasons. Instead of the organic body mold used in the first movie, the Batman Returns costume is noticeably thinner and more flexible with a more angular and processed design replacing the sculpted torso, which makes sense when we see that Bruce Wayne has a large collection of suits stored in the Batcave. However, as Catwoman proves the armor isn't without its flaws and remains susceptible to attacks from the side. Batman Returns also introduces several new gadgets to Batman's cinematic arsenal, including the remote-controlled Batarang, the Line Launcher and a spring-loaded cape that doubles as a paraglider. The movie also features the return of old favorites like the standard Batarang, the grappling gun and smoke capsules that allow Batman to easily escape from danger or awkward conversations.
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