10 Major Challenges Terminator Genisys Faces

9. Making People Forget The Other Sequels

Speaking of which, Terminator: Genisys will have a job convincing audiences not only to accept the ridiculous title, but also of coaxing back an audience who hasn't seen a genuinely good Terminator movie in nigh on twenty years. Ever since James Cameron bailed to make box office smashes about sinking ships (in order to fund documentaries about sinking ships) and nude paintings, the franchise has tanked fairly spectacularly. The sequels have had their moments but, in aggregate, they've failed to live up to the standards of the first two films. Which is a nice way of saying they stunk. Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines had its moments, and the introduction of a female killer android was a fun idea. The best part was a deleted scene, however, and a boring cast coupled with some poor attempts at comedy added up to a film that was barely the sum of its malfunctioning parts. Even worse, however, was the humourless misfire Terminator Salvation, which coupled a really bloody good cast with the talentless hack McG (previous directing work: Charlie's Angels, This Means War, Charlie's Angels Full Throttle) and was one of the most forgettable films about killer robots ever made. All that bad taste needs to be washed away.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/