10 Major Movie Franchise Reveals Found In Spin-Offs

1. Boba Fett Escaped The Sarlacc - Star Wars Aftermath

Star Wars boba fett

Until Disney declared the expanded Star Wars universe non-canon - thanks to the new movies - it was accepted amongst the fanbase that Boba Fett escaped the Sarlacc Pit. He’d been shown escaping numerous times in comics, and was simply too cool to go out like that. Hell, Lucas nearly added a scene where he escapes in the special edition of Jedi, before deciding it would just slow the pace.

His fate was once again left in the air thanks to Disney’s clean slate, and while Josh Trank was supposed to helm a spin-off featuring Boba, the timeline for that film could have been set before Return Of The Jedi.

However, the proof everyone’s favourite bounty hunter clawed his way out is the recent canon novel Aftermath, set between Jedi and The Force Awakens. During the story a character named Cobb is on Tatooine dealing with Jawas, and he comes across Mandalorian armour that’s been “...pitted and pocked by some sort of acid.”

The book never outright states it but the armour is Fett’s following his time in the Sarlacc, and it bears the marks of his hellish time inside. This easter egg is intended to let people know he's out there, awaiting his eventual comeback.

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Boba Fett
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