10 Major Movie Roles That Were Recast (And Made A LOT Worse)

1. George Clooney - Batman & Robin

batman forever two face billy dee williams tommy lee jones
Warner Bros.

George Clooney has spent over two decades bashing his own involvement in Batman & Robin, and while it didn't exactly turn him into Hollywood's next big action star as he was surely hoping at the time, it still worked out pretty well for the two-time Academy Award-winning filmmaker and tequila mogul in the end.

At this point, even the younger generation that hasn't even seen the movie will be aware of Batman & Robin's reputation as one of the worst comic book movies ever made, but the blame doesn't fall squarely on Clooney's shoulders, because the entire project is riddled with flaws from the top to the very bottom.

Is he the worst live-action Batman? Probably. But you could also make the argument that not even Michael Keaton or Christian Bale would have been able to elevate the terrible material that Clooney was given to work with. Not that Bale would have even entertained the idea of lending his talents to something designed exclusively to sell toys, mind you.

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