10 Major Movie Spoilers Of 2014 We Already Know About

3. Godzilla - The Nuke

Godzilla Thanks to a leaked call sheet that has circulated the net recently, which you can see below, we might well know how Godzilla is defeated in Gareth Edward's new take on the iconic monster franchise. It could in fact be how the monster is slain, but given Hollywood's preference for franchise-establishing reboots, you have to suspect that there'll be a reprise for the big lizard. The leaked photograph of the call sheet, which confirms the roles of some of the actors, including lead Aaron Taylor-Johnson (who will play Ford) as well as the setting for a major climactic set-piece (San Francisco.) Godzilla Call Sheet The scene in question will feature a strike team named "Halo Team" who will be accompanied by some kind of large explosive device, a bomb tracker and a geiger counter in the mission within San Francisco. The key scenes to take notice of are the following...
Scene 215: Ext SF to Wharf: Over soldiers running with bomb as Nautilus' (Godzilla) foot lands in front of them. Scene 221: Ext. SF On The Way To Wharf: Med Ford - CHARRED & BLOODY, on his way to the wharf. Scene 221: Ext. SF On The Way To The Wharf: Behind Ford as he turns & sees fallen Nautilus (Godzilla)
So, Ford survives, Nautilus (Godzilla) falls and San Francisco presumably gets a great big hole bitten out of it, if we're reading between the lines correctly. Whether that bomb is wholly successful remains to be seen...

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